Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Installation
Following are the steps to install ODSEE Ldap.
1) Download ODSEE from oracle site.
ex :
unzip ODSEE
unzip -qq -d install-dir
install-dir is the folder to which dsee has to be unzipped.
2) Navigate to bin folder (ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution/dsee7/bin ) and run following commands.
3) Create war file for DSCC
bin]$ ./dsccsetup war-file-create
Created /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/var/dscc7.war
4) Initialize DSCC registry.
bin]$ ./dsccsetup ads-create
Choose password for Directory Service Manager:
Confirm password for Directory Service Manager:
Creating DSCC registry...
DSCC Registry has been created successfully
5) Note the port and the path assigned to DSCC registry.
bin]$ ./dsccsetup status
DSCC Agent is not registered in Cacao
DSCC Registry has been created
Path of DSCC registry is /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/var/dcc/ads
Port of DSCC registry is 3998
6) Register the DSCC agent in Common Agent Container.
bin]$ ./dsccsetup cacao-reg
Configuring Cacao...
Cacao will listen on port 21162
Cacao has been successfully configured.
Registering DSCC Agent in Cacao...
Checking Cacao status...
Starting Cacao...
DSCC Agent will use locale C and charset ANSI_X3.4-1968
DSCC agent has been successfully registered in Cacao.
7) bin]$ ./dsccsetup status
DSCC Agent is registered in Cacao
Cacao uses a custom port number (21162)
DSCC Registry has been created
Path of DSCC registry is /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/var/dcc/ads
Port of DSCC registry is 3998
8) Create a new Directory Server Instance
bin]$ ./dsadm create -p 1389 -P 1636 /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst
Choose the Directory Manager password:
Confirm the Directory Manager password:
Use 'dsadm start '/scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst'' to start the instance
9) Start the instance
bin]$ ./dsadm start '/scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst'
Directory Server instance '/scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst' started: pid=9315
10) Create Suffix
bin]$ ./dsconf create-suffix -h -p 1389 dc=example,dc=com
Certificate "CN=slc01moi, CN=1636, CN=Directory Server, O=Sun Microsystems" presented by the server is not trusted.
Type "Y" to accept, "y" to accept just once, "n" to refuse, "d" for more details: y
Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:
11) ./dsconf import -p 1389 -e dsee7/resources/ldif/Example.ldif dc=example,dc=com
Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:
New data will override existing data of the suffix "dc=example,dc=com".
Initialization will have to be performed on replicated suffixes.
Do you want to continue [y/n] ? y
## Index buffering enabled with bucket size 40
## Beginning import job...
## Starting to process and index entries
## Processing file "/scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/resources/ldif/Example.ldif"
## Finished scanning file "/scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/resources/ldif/Example.ldif" (160 entries)
## Workers finished; cleaning up...
## Workers cleaned up.
## Cleaning up producer thread...
## Indexing complete.
## Starting numsubordinates attribute generation.
## This may take a while, please wait for further activity reports.
## Numsubordinates attribute generation complete. Flushing caches...
## Closing files...
## Import complete. Processed 160 entries in 4 seconds. (40.00 entries/sec)
Task completed (slapd exit code: 0).
12) bin]$ ./dsccreg add-server -h -p 3998 /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst
Enter DSCC administrator's password:
/scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst is an instance of DS
Enter password of "cn=Directory Manager" for /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst:
This operation will restart /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst.
Do you want to continue ? (y/n) y
Connecting to /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst (using ldap://
Enabling DSCC access to /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst
Restarting /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst
Registering /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst in DSCC on
13) bin]$ ./dsccreg list-servers -h -p 3998
Enter DSCC administrator's password:
Hostname Port sPort Type Owner Flags iPath Description
------------------------ ---- ----- ---- -------- ----- ------------------------------------------- ----------- 1389 1636 DS raghu /scratch/raghu/sunone/dsee7/local/dsInst
1 server instance(s) found in DSCC on
14) bin]$ ./dsconf list-suffixes -h -p 1389
Certificate "CN=slc01moi, CN=1636, CN=Directory Server, O=Sun Microsystems" presented by the server is not trusted.
Type "Y" to accept, "y" to accept just once, "n" to refuse, "d" for more details: y
Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: